The Training for Transformation approach to adult education and community development was developed in South Africa in the mid 1970s, since when it has become established in over 40 countries throughout the world. It is based on a participatory approach of involving people in the whole process of identifying their real problems and needs, analysing the root causes of these problems, as well as planning, carrying out and evaluating community or group actions to improve the lives of the people.
The method places great emphasis on respecting the life experience of the individuals and community concerned in a way that enables them to identify and to reflect critically on their needs and priorities for social change and development and to act together to address their common problems and opportunities.
Training for Transformation combines discovery and learning at the personal, interpersonal and wider society dimensions of life. Training for Transformation is designed for teams and groups, individuals in local or national organisations or those who are interested in getting involved in their local community. The basic level workshops are highly participative and average 75 hours contact time.
Main elements of the training cover:
- Personal Development self-awareness, confidence, values & beliefs, personal skills and gifts, roles in group;
- Human Relationship skills group dynamics, dealing with conflict, community and trust building;
- Local relevance local issues, history of the community, action-planning at community level;
- Organisational development – leadership, visioning, planning;
- Social analysis – what needs to change and how, listening surveys;
- Global issues racism, gender dynamics, roots of poverty, economic literacy;
- The principles and methods of Brazilian educator Paolo Freire ways of learning, motivation, action/reflection, values.