Human ecological education and action for social and ecological change.
Our courses, workshops, talks and webinars are accessible to all using a solidarity payment system (fees are multi-level according to ability to pay).
In the spirit of the Scottish generalist tradition, our educational offerings are robust, rigorous and of the high quality you would expect from a university department, yet are offered to those without degrees or formal qualifications. We seek learners who have a passion to engage with the deeper questions of our world, seek understanding with empathy and compassion and have courage to confront their own assumptions and take action accordingly.
CHE used to run an acclaimed MSc in Human Ecology, accredited by the University of Edinburgh, then the Open University, followed by Strathclyde University. Since becoming independent in 2011, CHE has focused on talks, events and workshops developed and delivered the popular online course ‘Degrowth in Scotland’ since 2020. CHE is currently developing a longer, modular course in human ecology. If you’d like to be notified when we run the course again, sign up to our mailing list.
The Centre for Human Ecology is an independent CHE has undertaken a variety of research and consultancy projects over the years for third sector organisations, contribute to knowledge and to influence policy.
The CHE delivered an acclaimed Masters course and modular short courses until 2010. The Centre is currently undergoing restructuring and intends to offer new learning opportunities soon, which will be updated on this page. If individuals or organisations are interested in any of the courses listed below, contact us for more information (subject to capacity and availability). Ongoing learning opportunities are also being developed via Govan Folk University.
The Centre for Human Ecology is an independent academic institute, network and registered charity based in Glasgow, Scotland, with an international membership of graduates and fellows. It exists to stimulate and support fundamental change towards ecological and social justice through education, action and research, drawing on a holistic, multidisciplinary understanding of environmental and social systems.
Co-operative Education
Practicing what we preach- learning to co-operate, working as a co-operative, helping people, organisations and communities co-operate more effectively.